Why a global economy without China is impossible.

The house of card is falling…

Why a global economy without China is impossible:

First, have this quick read: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/05/business/shipping-coronavirus-impact/index.html

The deck of card seems to be extremely fragile these days. Well, I think it is absolutely falling apart. This whole debt-driven economy was not a sustainable idea, never was and never will be.

We live in a world of Just In Time Delivery. It means that store don’t have much of an inventory: they receive their supply everyday, or every week, from China or a manufacturer elsewhere.

Any blue collar will know that factories in North America have breakdowns on the supply chain. That’s just part of running a factory. A conveyor belt needs to be replaced, or a control panel has to be changed. Often, these parts come from China, or some part of them come from China. You cannot have a factory in Montreal operating 24h/7 without the constant ability to have access to Chinese parts. Or if it isn’t them directly, it’s the factory that make the part they need that needs China.

You see, you cannot remove China from the equation. A global economy is dependent on it. The global food supply is dependent on China. The local market next door is dependent to the economy that is, yes, tied with China. If China goes down, so the US, so the rest of the world.

I cannot imagine a world where China can stop shipping, receiving, producing, importing and exporting material for a whole month. How is that going to look in a month from now?

So many construction sites are dependent on China, throughout Latin America. The heavy equipment is chinese (Doosan for example). These things break all the time by experience. I’m a construction worker: I know a thing or thing about parts and shits you know.

I don’t know. The more you are aware just how deep the Chinese products goes in your day-to-day life, the more you are worrying about what’s going on.

Most people think as Chinese products as “Walmart and Amazon stuff”, but it is much, much more deeper than that. Jeep Wranglers made in Detroit need some parts from China: and is Jeep simply going to stop their production because of a small piece of plastic needed in a Jeep Wrangler JLU? Yes. Like Hyundai and Kia already did a few days ago. So the whole economy can really crash hard in a few months… The economy is made out of dominoes… and the first one seems to have fallen.

Further read: https://www.oftwominds.com/blogfeb20/brace-for-impact2-20.html

Further questions: Who’s Dr. Charles Lieber?

Why did he receive 15m from the DOD and National Institute of Health?
Why did WUA paid him well over $50k a month for three years? 

Why did he lie about his tie to the Wuhan Lab for six years? 

Combine that to this list of questions combined by a redditor:

  1. Why is this r/wuhan_flu sub being quarantined so fast three days after creation?

  2. Why is ZeroHedge being banned on Twitter immediately after posting an article about potential HIV and 2019 novel coronavirus connection?

  3. Why so many signs of this virus being bio-engineered ( https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1223308656101462016 )?

  4. Why does the virus seem to target asian males more than others (https://www.reddit.com/r/Wuhan_Flu/comments/evk6rx/study_shows_that_coronavirus_is_significantly/)?