Archive of Covid Vaccine Long Hauler testimonies

The biggest medical trial in history

I have my doubts that the Chinese-owned Reddit will allow the horrific Vaccine Long Haul subreddit to go much longer. They censured No New Normal, after all. I think this is the next sub to get banned.

And so I decided to archive a few stories. One cannot help but feel bad for those young men and women that got lied, coerced and pressured by the criminals in power.

Moderna is the worst / most potent vax. Being banned in other countries. I wouldn’t take it again for literally any amount of money. The first shot was mild, the second shot physically damaged me. My plan was to go into healhcare but I am not sure I can go if these things will be mandaed. I surely will never take another vaccine.
— anonymous Redditor
I missed two weddings, birthdays, family gatherings and the ability to even spend time outdoors. All because I was lied to and manipulated into thinking the vaccine was safe. It is now a fact that the vaccine is not what they told us it was. I don’t know about you all but I was told a couple days of flu-like symptoms were all that could go wrong outside of a few allergic reactions.
— Story on Vaccine Long Haul
this is crazy because I’ve felt this too right after my shot.
like they took my spirituality.
I saw a Cardiologist about 6 weeks ago who diagnosed me with Pericarditis. He ran an echocardiogram which was able to pick up what the other tests could not.
It is now 8 weeks later and I still don’t have any real answers.
Since I got a dose of Pfizer it’s as if it deleted a gene or damaged a part of my brain that allowed me to experience true joy and fulfillment as well as have a moment to moment awareness of time and broader reality (the fact that I was in the universe and connected to other people and things in it, etc). I would compare this to a sense of God or spirit.
— another Redditor
I’m 6 months out from one shot of Pfizer that ruined my life.
Just a heads up a ton of people are flagging positive for small fiber neuropathy. If you have all the numb limbs type issues for a while you probably have it. Go ahead and get yourself a biopsy.
— another Redditor

If doctors around the world only report to VAERS 1% of the time… you get numbers that are hard to comprehend. We are far away from SAFE AND EFFECTIVE as the Canadian government tells us.

818,042 Adverse Events

127,641 Doctor Visits

83,412 Hospitalizations

92,017 Urgent Care

26,199 Disabled

10,179 Bell's Palsy

10,304 Myocarditis

8,408 Heart Attacks

2,631 Miscarriages

17,128 Deaths
