Kundalini Awakening

morning breakfast

morning breakfast

Then consciousness a wondrous aspect wears,
So lofty and sublime that all our fears
And doubts about ourselves dissolve at once,
As if illumined by a hundred suns
Of knowledge to be assured the Vision seen
Is that which will be, is and ever has been;
The Source Eternal of all that is known.
— Krishna, Gopi. Kundalini (p. 10). Shambhala.

I was writing to a reader a bit earlier about a certain kundalini awakening I had in 2008. A full-blown one.

I shared my story in Dancing After The Music Stops (pick up a free copy when you enter THEGIFT at checkout), but maybe not everyone has the time to read hundreds of pages (Sadly ;)).

The kundalini awakening is one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful spiritual experience one could ever live. We’re talking about experimenting with the dissolution of the ego without drugs. We’re talking reading people’s mind and soul, and being able to see object remotely. It’s wild. It will kill you, if not tamed a bit.

From Gobi Krishna (who also experiment with a kundalini awakening: “I have tried to explain in these pages is so uncommon and so removed from ordinary affairs that in all probability only a few of those who happen to read this account will have even heard of anything so extraordinary.

Accomplished masters of Kundalini Yoga, always extremely rare, are almost non-existent now, and the cases of a spontaneous type, where the awakening occurs suddenly at some period in life, more often than not end in mental disorder, which makes a coherent narration of the experience impossible. Under the circumstances, it is no wonder that a detailed account of this strange experience is not available anywhere.


It is attended by psychic manifestations of an extraordinary nature presenting an appearance of abnormality, the awakening of Kundalini is a perfectly natural biological phenomenon of an uncommon kind, demonstrable by any healthy human body on the attainment of a certain state of evolutionary perfection. The only peculiarity which gives it a semblance of the bizarre and the uncanny is the biological process which, set afoot, leads to the emergence of a conscious personality so superior and possessing such astounding, almost superhuman, attributes as to make the whole phenomenon appear to be the performance of a supernatural agency rather than the outcome of the operation of natural though as yet unknown biological laws.”

A book that I recommend.

A book that I recommend.

Okay, it gets weirder. During the first week of this awakedness back in 2008, I could see matters vibrating, to the atoms (well, the waves). I could stare at a leaf on a tree for 5 minutes, and seeing all of its constituents. Not on drugs.

It goes without saying that it changed my entire lifeline.

I don’t know why me. I asked God to reveal itself. That’s it. Yearning to experiment It. But nothing more. No ritual, no weird shamanic spell. I didn’t even know a single term in Buddhism (never had heard of chakra before).

It happened like a lightning bolt. And I was never going to be the same.

I don’t know why me. I relate to a verse in Ephesians… For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Below is a great video with Itzhak Bentov (yes, the author of Stalking the Wild Pendulum).

These people wondering if the kundalini is a real thing. As real as it gets! Further explication (it gets complicated.)

But here’s the thing; unless you experiment with a full-blown kundalini awakening, no amount of words will convey what it is.

It’s possible to get it, whatever the “it” is. And maybe that’s why I have a sense of impending doom… but hope too. Argh.

I will rewrite this article maybe later today, I’m off to work meow.


Further reading: The Gateway Process (CIA documents), Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zealand.

Jean Pascal