Now that the people are waking up...

… was this fakedemic only a rehearsal for more extreme measures in the Fall? They know, we know, you know and I know that whatever fear tactics deployed against us concerning a virus in the Fall won’t work.

They’ll need a new thing for October 2020.
Black out?
Faked attack from a country?
WWIII push?
Project Blue Beam?
Sudden increase in fatality rate? Now they want everybody infected. Well, we still don’t know what they f- this virus is! It’s closer to be airborne HIV than the flu. I don’t want to get it haha. How about the vaccine?

Fact is, nobody –nobody– wants the fucking vaccine. There’s 1 billion people minimum that will choose to not get it. That’s a whole bunch of trouble for the NWO. So what the hell are they gonna do?

We are in for a surprise. I expect a sort of power failure/internet failure (of course, all intentional) that will be blamed on a foreign country. Something like that.

As for asteroid, I prefer that than tyranny or an orwellian government.



BlogJean Pascalblog