The problem isn't the vaccine.


It’s the Story of Separation

The only reason why people can come to inject themselves with poison –an experimental gene therapy, with less than 10 months of clinical triasl– is because they were led to believe the Kantian lie that man is a machineThat man can exist outside of Creation. That man is all alone on a big rock in a cold universe.

Of course, it’s all horseshit. We are all interconnected. I highly recommend you to read The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein, if you haven’t done it yet. That and maybe The Closing Of The American Mind by Allan Bloom.

Let me quote Charles: ” The root and the epitome of separation is the discrete, isolated self o modern perception: the “I am” of Descartes, the “economic man” of Adam Smith, the individual phenotype of Darwinian competition for resources, the skin-encapsulated ego of Alan Watts. It is a self conditionally dependent on, but fundamentally separate from the Other: nature and other people. Seeing ourselves as discrete and separate beings, we naturally seek to manipulate the not-self to our best advantage. Technology, in particular, is predicated on some kind of individuation or conceptual separation from the environment. […] Not only is technology based on conceptual separation from nature, but it also reinforces that separation.”

The RNA vaccine has rewritten the software of life. Or adding something that wasn’t there before, since the dawn of mankind. Using technology to edit life is the quickest way to meet our fatal predicament written 2000 years ago in an old book. It’s also the oldest story of humanity: human beings trying to become the Gods by building a tower to reach that realm. The only difference now is we don’t try to look into a telescope to try to find the magic spell that will elevate us to the Table of the Gods – no, now, it’s the microscope that is proven to be our gateway to Heaven. 

Here are a few lies from The Power That Be:

1) The 1000 years gab between the Fall of Rome and basically the Renaissance (See Fomenko’s New Chronology)

2) The last Great Reset and the Great Wars. 

3) The fairs around the world between 1850-1910

4) The Great Fires in the US

5) Our origins (definitely not from a monkey!)

6) The nature of reality (the truth is that we are only energy bundles creating reality as we surf the eddies of this holofractal universe)

And much more. 

The only way human beings can start killing themselves the way they do is because they are ALREADY doing it. They eat a vast amount of toxic food, their surroundings are polluted and they cut trees and destroy rivers: the vaccine is only the next logical step. For the root is already fucked (spoiled). 

People are rushing into an experimental treatment. They forget all of their histories. All of it. Rule #4 of the Game of Life: Never trust the government. 



Further reading: The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein and The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce.

Jean Pascal